
Padre Pio Prayer Groups USA

March 2010 Calendar

The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you!
The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace! (Numbers 6: 24-26)








Now is the Time
Good News

1 Trust in God and hope that through his fatherly goodness he will let the light come through.

2 Lift up your mind full of faith to your heavenly home and may all your yearnings and aspirations be directed there.

3 Admire the heavenly regions that can be reached by no other means than that of suffering.

4 What God wants from you is always right and good.

5 In heaven we’ll have no other duty than the fulfillment of God¿s will.

6 Let us strive to bless the Lord when we are the object of humiliation and contempt.

7 All is ordained by God with great wisdom.

8 Each victory gained has a corresponding crown in paradise.

9 Don’t be frustrated or cast down.

10 The Lord is faithful and will not allow you to be overcome by temptation.

11 In order to reach our final goal, we must follow our divine Leader.

12 The divine Leader … usually leads chosen souls by the path he himself has trodden and by no other.

13 Foolish are those who fail to fathom the secret of the cross.

14 How good Jesus is!

15 Jesus wants to make us holy at all costs. But above all He wants to sanctify you.

16 Jesus is always with you, even when you do not feel his presence.

17 (Jesus) is never so close to you as he is during your spiritual battles.

18 (Jesus) is there to ward off the enemy¿s blows so that you may not be hurt.

19 A moment of our passing trials can win us an unimaginable glory in eternity.

20 Take heart and don’t fear either interior or exterior persecutions.

21 Nothing has power to separate you from the Supreme Good…

22 The ever-present grace of the heavenly Father takes good care of you.

23 Be grateful to such a good Father for his attitude towards you, for you have done nothing to deserve such a singular privledge.

24 You need to be a little more docile … Jesus desires this and with his grace all will be achieved.

25 Perfect abandonment of your whole self to the divine goodness (is what is needed to overcome fear)

26 Our God is admirable in his judgments.

27 Grace will not be lacking, so make every effort to correspond to its impulses.

28 Let us not cease to beseech and implore peace from the eternal Judge.

29 The merciful Lord wants to be glorified in you, so take care not to become unfaithful to him.

30 The death of Christ is applied to us in baptism as if it were our own and as if we were crucified with him.

31 It is in virtue of (Jesus’ death) that all our sins are wiped out, both sin and the punishment due to it.

Padre Pio’s words this month are taken from his letters to his spiritual daughter, Raffaelina Cerase:
1914: August 15, September 6, September 19

website: www.PPPG.org

March 2010

Lenten Journey

Lord Jesus Christ, you gather your people during this holy season of Lent, and you call us to repent and believe the Gospel. Remove any barriers that keep us from you so that we might live fully the life we received at Baptism and carry our cross each day. You have given us Padre Pio of Pietrelcina as a modern image of the Suffering Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. Through his intercession and your divine grace, may we turn to you in our need, thank you in our abundance, and share your love with the world around us. Amen.

Litany of the Stations of the Cross

  1. Lord Jesus, that I may see the people in my life through your eyes, and not the eyes of a Pontius Pilate, who washed his hands of responsibility,
    through Your life-giving Sacrifice, and the intercession of Padre Pio, grant me this grace. (*)

  2. Lord Jesus, that I may embrace the crosses of my life, so that in recognizing my weaknesses I may discover Your strengths, (*)
  3. Lord Jesus, that I may always trust in Your loving care for me, even when I fall, (*)
  4. Lord Jesus, that I may see how often You love me through the people in my life, as Mary loved you, and that I may always keep our Blessed Mother Mary, who accompanies me in life’s journey, in my heart, (*)
  5. Lord Jesus, that I may see that loving others and assisting them in their need is the surest way to find and recognize You in my life, as Simon did, (*)
  6. Lord Jesus, that I may have a deeper and more courageous faith to be unafraid to reach out to others, as Veronica did to You, (*)
  7. Lord Jesus, that I may never hide behind pride, and that I may be ready and willing to begin again after my repeated falls, (*)
  8. Lord Jesus, that I may show compassion to others in their sorrow or need, and place my sorrow or need second to theirs for a while, (*)
  9. Lord Jesus, that I may recognize how much I need You, and rely on Your strength in the many difficulties and pit-falls of life, (*)
  10. Lord Jesus, that I may let go of those things that prevent me from growing closer to You, (*)
  11. Lord Jesus, that I may see Your cross as the great sign of Your love for me, as did our Spiritual Father, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, (*)
  12. Lord Jesus, that I may see my crosses as ways of loving You and dying to myself, (*)
  13. Lord Jesus, that I may learn to place my life in Your hands, and not fear seeming unimportant, useless, helpless…as You allowed Your lifeless body to be placed in the hands of Mary, (*)
  14. Lord Jesus, that I may always believe in Your closeness and loving presence, especially when You seem distant from me, (*)

website: www.PPPG.org

March 2010

Concluding Prayers

Lord Jesus, help me to walk with You each day of my life, even to Calvary. The sorrow and joy, the pain and healing, the failures and triumphs of my life are truly small deaths and resurrections that lead me closer to You. Give me the faith and trust I need to walk with You always.

Mary, Mother of our Redeemer and our most Blessed Mother, be with us through life¿s journey. As you comforted Jesus on the road to Calvary by your silent and loving presence, as you held his lifeless body close to your immaculate heart, as you offered the sadness and suffering that only a mother can feel when she sees the suffering of her child, look upon me as you looked at Jesus. See His marred image in my frail nature; hold me close to your mother’s heart in my moments of temptation and sin; and pray for me that I may be for God what I was created to be a -LIVING IMAGE OF JESUS. Amen.

Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, loving Father and Spiritual Guide, in this most holy season of Lent, be with us. By a singular grace you were blessed to participate in the mystery of the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through your ministry, God revealed the marvels of His mercy to numberless souls. Pray for us, that like you, and through your loving intercession we may remain one with Christ in his Passion so as to joyfully come with you to the glory of the Resurrection. Intercede for us with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who is God for ever and ever. Amen