
Padre Pio Prayer Groups USA

Prayer Calendar

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April 2024

Peace be with you. Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them. 

And whose sins you retain are retained. My Lord and My God.

Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed (John 20: 19-31)

Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord. 

May it be done to me according to your word. (Luke 1: 26-38)

He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures …

the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead… (Luke 24: 35-48)

I am the good shepherd…I lay down my life in order to take it up again. (John 10: 11-18)

I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me will bear much fruit

…for without me you can do nothing. (John 15: 1-8)



O God, we have seen how You worked our salvation through the sufferings, death and resurrection of Your Son, Jesus Christ and gave us Padre Pio as a living example of Your Son’s obedience to Your will. You blessed Padre Pio with the five wounds of Christ Crucified, making Him an inspiring witness to the saving love of Jesus in our world, and a powerful reminder to us of Your infinite mercy and goodness. Help us, O Lord, to imitate Padre Pio’s devout faith, prayerful holiness, patient forgiveness and his loving compassion toward all people. Amen.



Let us thank the divine mercy which makes us sharers in the Passion and Death of our Divine Master.


Until we are able to say: This Christian is another Christ, do not let us pause in our ascent of the Hill of Calvary.


Remember, when we are suffering torment, when we are attacked by Satan, that after Calvary comes Tabor


If we could only perceive that which still mazes the heavenly spirits…the state to which God=s grace has raised us…His children..


In the silence of your heart…offer your praises, blessings, contrite humble heart and your entire self to the heavenly Father.


Let us remain always close to (Jesus).


Let us silently adore the divine disposition (divine plan).


Pray to the Lord that all may work out for His glory and for the good of souls.


The Lord is so good that He never fails to tone things down.


We don’t commit a sin without first being aware of it.


May it please Jesus … to console you … in every tribulation.


Turn your back on matters which torment you … and set your mind at rest.


Remember that spiritual peace can be maintained even in the midst of all the storm of this life.


The proof that we are at peace with God is our moral certainty of not having any mortal sin on our conscience.


Peace consists in having achieved victory over the world, the devil and our own passions.


Let us keep our gazed fixed on the heavenly home reserved for us.


Let us aim at it (our heavenly home) with the greatest care.


Let us withdraw our gaze from … worldly goods … (that) prevent us from keeping our eyes fixed on our heavenly home.


Oh, how worthless is the earth, when I look at heaven!


Offer your own sufferings to then divine Father along with the sufferings of Jesus.


Take care not to heed the Evil One if he suggests anything to you…you know he is a liar.


Listen to Jesus alone who comes to you in His own name, and that is enough.


This is the finest grace that can be asked by and on behalf of those who aspire to the spiritual life…increase in heavenly light.


When a righteous soul obtains this light, it comes to know and love its God and eternal things.


We must ask the Spirit, the Comforter, to enlighten us


(We ask the Spirit) to make us increasingly aware of the excellence of our Christian vocation.


Let us pray that (the Spirit) may enlighten us more and more as to the immensity of the eternal inheritance reserved for us by the…Father.


Pray to the Father…to enable us to penetrate more deeply into the mystery of how sinners like ourselves have been led to salvation.


Non-existence is less far from God than is the sinner.


If all could just understand the extreme wretchedness and dishonor from which God=s omnipotent hand has rescued us



Litany of the Stations of Easter Joy

(*) Indicates the refrain to be said after each Station:




Lord, through Your glorious Resurrection, may I live in the gift of Your love, joy and peace, and witness the New Life You offer those who believe in You. (*) [Mt.28, Mk.16, Lk.24/28, Jn.20-21]


Lord, through Your encounter with Mary Magdalene after Your Resurrection, may I hear You speak my name each day in the depths of my heart and respond by proclaiming Your love to others in my life. (*) [Jn.20, Mt.28, Mk.16]


Lord, through Your encounter with the other Holy Women and instruction to tell the Good News to the disciples of Your Resurrection, may I be fearless in proclaiming my Faith in You to everyone. (*) [Mt.28,8-10; Lk.24, 10-11]


Lord, through Your encounter with Two Disciples from Emmaus who were enlightened on the road and recognized You in the Breaking of the Bread, may I hear Your Word with an open heart and always acknowledge You truly present in the Sacrament of the Altar. May I joyfully acknowledge You without hesitation as the two of Emmaus did. (*) [Lk.24: 13-35]


Lord, through the Peace, Pardon, and the Paraclete’s grace You offered as the first gifts of Your Resurrection, may I cooperate with God’s grace and be a source of forgiveness and peace to others. (*) [Jn.20: 21-23]


Lord, through Your manifestation to the Doubting Thomas, may I come to recognize You in the wounds and scars of those who suffer in any way, and acknowledge You before all people as My Lord, and My God. (*) [Jn.20: 24-28]


Lord, through Your appearance and concern for the needs of the Apostles who went fishing and Your eating with them as a sign that it was truly You alive, grant that I recognize You in the ordinary moments of life and trust that You assist me in my needs. Let my faith in You be proof enough for me. (*) [Jn.21,1-14]


Lord, through Your loving encounter with Peter on the Shore and Entrusting to Him the Responsibility to Shepherd Your Flock, may I always be faithful to the Church and those called to Shepherd Your people, that I may never forget that where there is Peter, there is the Church, and where there is the Church, there are You Who guide guard and protect us through our shepherds. (*) [Jn.21: 15-17]


Lord, through Your loving encounter with Mary Your Mother after Your Glorious Resurrection, may I always foster a deep love and devotion for our Heavenly Mother. May I celebrate her exalted place in the mystery of our salvation, and confide in Her almighty intercession for all God’s children. (*) [Jn.20, Act.1]


Lord, You commanded Your followers to Go and Preach the Gospel to all Creation. May I be a living Gospel of peace and blessings to all that through my words and actions others may come to know, love and serve You. (*) [Mt.28: 19-20]


Lord, through the Five “Signs” of a Christian, may I cast out the demons of addiction and inappropriate life; speak the language of love, joy and peace; be fearless before the serpents of hatred, jealousy and unfaithfulness, remain unharmed by the poison of slander, injustice, sickness; be a healing touch for those who find life wearisome and lonely. (*) [Mk.16: 17-18]


Lord, You Promised to Remain Always With Us. May I trust in Your Presence and find strength and courage in knowing that You are always with me, to guide, guard and protect me. (*) [Mt.28: 19-20]


Lord, through Your Glorious Ascension to the Right Hand of the Father, may I look to the heavens for strength and protection as I confidently keep my feet well-grounded on earth, fulfilling whatever the Will of the Father entrusted to me for His glory, my salvation, and the good of others. (*) [Jn.6:53; Mt.6:11]


Lord, through Your Promise that Your Followers would be Baptized in the Holy Spirit to be witnesses of the Resurrection to all the world, may I be truly wise and always follow the Father’s Will through the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit in my life. (*) [Act.1:4-8; 12-15]


Lord, through the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Early Christian Community gathered in the Upper Room together with Mary, may my heart burn with an inner fire of love and enthusiasm for the Faith, that in the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit, I may fearlessly proclaim that You are Jesus, Son of God, Lord and Savior, in Whose Name we find salvation. (*) [Act.2



LORD JESUS, help me to walk with You each day of my life. The sorrow and joy, the pain and healing, the failures and triumphs of my life are small personal deaths and resurrections that lead me closer to You. Give me the faith and trust I need to walk with You in the new life Your Resurrection brings. May I journey with You to Calvary and beyond, that I may share in the fruits of Your Glorious Resurrection. With Padre Pio to accompany me, I patiently and joyfully confide and trust in You, my Lord and Risen Savior, in Whose Name I find salvation and eternal Life. You live forever. Amen


MARY, MOTHER OF OUR REDEEMER and our most Blessed Mother, be with me always. You comforted Jesus on the road to Calvary by your silent and loving presence; you held his lifeless body close to your Immaculate Heart, as you offered the sadness and suffering that only a mother can feel when she sees the suffering of her child. Look on me as you looked at Jesus. Hold me close to your mother’s heart in my moments of temptation and sin, that His marred image in my frail nature, may not succumb to temptation and sin. Pray for me that I may be a LIVING IMAGE OF JESUS alive and well in the heart of one who believes and loves Him…Dear Mother, You were a constant support and strength to our Father, Padre Pio, throughout his lifelong Calvary, until he came to the promised reward offered all God’s faithful children. Accompany me, that I also may share in the graces and joys of the Resurrection