December 2009

Be constantly on the watch! Stay awake! You do not know when the appointed time will come. (Mark 13: 33-37)
Make ready the way of the Lord, clear him a straight path. (Mark 1: 1-8)
You shall conceive and bear a son and give him the name Jesus. (Luke 1: 26-38)
In David’s city a savior has been born to you. Glory to God…peace on earth. (Luke 2: 1-14)
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Padre Pio’s words this month are taken from letters to his spiritual daughter, Raffaelina Cerase: - 1914: May 19 & 31 1 By repeated blows and by diligent polishing the divine Artist prepares (us) to form the divine edifice. 2 The soul destined to reign with Jesus Christ … must be remodeled by the blows of hammer and chisel. 3 Strokes of the chisel are the shadows, fears, temptations, spiritual torments and agitation… 4 Thank the infinite mercy of the eternal Father for treating your soul this way, it is destined to be saved. 5 Open your heart to this heavenly Physician of souls and abandon yourself with complete trust.
6 (God) is treating you as one chosen to follow Jesus closely up the Hill of Calvary. 7 If (He) hides from you…He wants to test more and more your faith and steadfastness, and at the same time to purify you. 8 Hold firm and banish all doubts…for they are really temptations. Do this in the name of Jesus. 9 Pray continually tom the heavenly Father that He may keep you always close to His divine Heart. 10 (May God) make you hear His loving voice more clearly and lead you to correspond with increasing gratitude. 11 Ask Jesus with boundless confidence … to draw you after Him. 12 Follow (Jesus) swiftly with all the faculties of your soul and body wherever He goes.
13 The divine weapon which leads to victory consists in full and unquestioning submission (to God’s Will). 14 Holy Scriptures confirms: The obedient man will speak of victory. 15 If Jesus manifests Himself, thank Him and if He remains hidden, thank Him just the same. 16 You must accept as certain that the more a soul loves God the less it feels this love. 17 God is incomprehensible and inaccessible… 18 When so many are turning away from God, I can’t convince myself that anyone can live a spiritual life without the Eucharist. 19 We are surrounded by people who harbor hatred for God … strengthen yourself with the Eucharist.
20 To remain immune from sin…is not possible for those who remain…without partaking of the Immaculate Flesh of Divine Lamb 21 For those who limit … their receiving Communion… it is illusory to…take even one step towards perfection. 22 If (God) allows you to remain in the dark…it is for your own good. 23 (God) will not allow any good thought of yours to go unrewarded. 24 The enemy of souls has no power over those who have resolved to belong entirely to God. 25 Have no fear of the future… God is with you and He is supremely faithful and will not allow you to be overwhelmed by our enemy. 26 Your soul is in the arms of (God) like a baby in its mother’s arms.
27 The heavenly Spouse will guide you in the way which is to your greatest advantage. 28 The soul which really loves Jesus seeks and studies…to give Him satisfaction. 29 Time spent for God’s glory and the salvation of souls must never be regretted. 30 The best way of spending one’s time…is to spend it in furthering the salvation and sanctification of others. 31 Praised for ever be the goodness of the God of our fathers who has never withdrawn His mercy from my wretched soul. And the Word was made flesh and lived among us…To all who accepted Him, He gave power to become the children of God. Come, Let us Adore Him!


Praying the Month of December

* Advent *

The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary..
 And she conceived by the Holy Spirit. (Hail Mary)
Behold the Handmaid of the Lord
  Be it done to me according to your word.(Hail Mary)
And the Word was made flesh
  And made his dwelling among us.(Hail Mary)

Let us pray: Pour forth we beg you, O Lord, your grace into our hearts, that we, to whom the Incarnation of Christ Your Son was made known by the message of an Angel, may, through His Passion and Cross, be brought to the glory of His Resurrection. We ask this through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Preparatory Prayer
Lord Jesus, you came to save your people. Blessed are we who celebrate Your wonderful Incarnation. Hear us as we pray the prophetic titles that Israel of old offered in hopeful anticipation of Your coming:
Sunday: Wisdom of our God most high, teach us to walk in the paths of knowledge. Have mercy on us.
Monday: Leader of Ancient Israel, rescue us with your mighty power. Have mercy on us.
Tuesday: Flower of Jesse’s Stem, save us without delay. Have mercy on us.
Wednesday: Key of David, free those imprisoned in the darkness of ignorance. Have mercy on us.
Thursday: Radiant Dawn: shine on those lost in the darkness of spiritual death. Have mercy on us.
Friday: King of all nations: save humanity, your own creation. Have mercy on us.
Saturday: Emmanuel, you are God’s presence among us, save us, your people. Have mercy on us.

After the Antiphon recite, each day:
Lord Jesus, you come to save your people. Happy are we who prepare ourselves to meet you. As of old you sent the Baptist in the wilderness of this world, so also today you sent us your messenger, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. He came to help your people prepare their hearts for you. Help me to listen to your words and to open my heart to change, so that I may clearly see the Way to walk, the Truth to speak, and the Life to live. May your image impressed upon the body of Padre Pio for our modern world to see encourage me to be your image to all whom I encounter in life. May we never forget that you became a human being that we might share in the Life of God. Through your Spirit, and following your word and example, may I come to the Father, Source of all Life, Whose love for me endures for ever and ever. Amen.

Most Blessed Trinity whom I adore, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Help me to be firmly rooted in Your Will today, as if my soul were already in eternity. May nothing be able to trouble my peace or make me leave you. Stay with me, Lord, and lead me more deeply into your Mystery. Grant me peace and serenity today. In the love you bore our Spiritual Father Padre Pio, make our hearts your dwelling place that we may never abandon You. As Spiritual Children of Padre Pio, who bore the marks of Jesus’ saving Sacrifice, make us vigilant in faith, constant in hope, and undying in our love for You and all people. You live and reign forever. Amen.

Holy Mother, Mary ever-virgin, in the name of all humanity your availability to the Father’s Will allowed God to be enfleshed in your womb that He might become one with us in our human nature. I thank you for your openness to the Divine challenge. With hopeful heart you waited that God’s promise would come to light. Be with me today and every day, that I too may wait with joyful hope for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever. Amen.

Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, you came, as the Baptist of old, into the spiritual wilderness of our world. You were a messenger sent to prepare people’s hearts for the Lord to enter them. Pray that I may be a fertile ground in which God’s Word may enter and live. Padre Pio, you want your Spiritual Children to live in God’s Will and graces. Pray that we accept His Way to walk, His Truth to speak, and His Life to live. As we joyfully await and celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus, pray that we may follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit, live more fully the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and thus come to the Father, Source of all Life, Whose love for us endures for ever and ever. Amen.

** Christmastime **

Begin with the Following, in place of the Angelus: Loving mother of the Redeemer,
gate of heaven, star of the sea,
assist your people who have fallen
yet strive to rise again.
To the wonderment of nature you bore your Creator,
yet remained a virgin after as before.
You received Gabriel’s joyful greeting,
have pity on us poor sinners.

Let us pray: Father, you gave the human race eternal salvation through the motherhood of the Virgin Mary. May we experience the help of her prayers in our lives, for through her we received the very source of life, your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen

Pray the following Antiphon everyday:

The Word was enfleshed in humanity and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the only begotten Son, Jesus, the Christ.

Conclude with the following prayers:

God of time and of eternity, with Christmas joy we praise you for the year gone by and for all that lies ahead. The Birth of Jesus opens our eyes and our hearts to the beginning of a new year of salvation. Your Son comes among us to bring glad tidings to the poor and to proclaim peace to all people of good will. May Jesus whom I adore as my Lord and Savior help me to live in The Word, Who leads me to you who lives with Him and the Spirit, for ever.

Holy Mary, Mother of God and my Mother, pray to God for me, who have recourse to you. Pray that one day I may enter the fullness of eternity, as Jesus, through You, became one with us in all things but sin, entering into time. Amen.

Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Guide for us who seek a deeper encounter with Jesus and Mary, as we celebrate Jesus’ birth in time, pray for us that we may be worthy to have Him come into our hearts. The Christ Child of Bethlehem calls us to that spiritual childhood that you never lost. Pray that we may be the children of God we were created to be. Be our guide and advocate as we strive to live in the Father’s will, through Jesus His Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
