July 2009

O God, as your name, so also your praise reaches to the ends of the earth (Psalm 47)
When your glory appears, my joy will be full (Psalm 16)
I will praise your name O Lord for its goodness (Psalm 53)
God is in his holy dwelling … he gives power and strength to his people (Psalm 67)
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Padre Pio’s words are taken from letters to his spiritual daughters: Girolama Longo: 1918: April 15; May 19; 1920: February 18; July 29.
Freida Folger: 1920: November 18; 1921: January 5; July 4; 1922: August 28; December 21
1 You are very dear to the Lord. 2 Shadows, fears … are diabolical tricks which you must reject. 3 (God’s) mercy renders you dear to Him, and he wants you to be similar to his beloved Son. 4 Let the Holy Spirit accomplish what he wants in you.
5 Abandon yourself to (the Holy Spirit’s) transports and do not fear. 6 No matter what the tempter may say or do, God is working out in you his admirable purpose. 7 (God’s) admirable purpose is to complete your transformation in him 8 Stick firmly to the truth. 9 Get rid of all doubt and anxiety. 10 God alone is the supreme King of your heart. 11 Be comforted in the Lord and reject what the devil suggests to you.
12 When the soul moans and fears offending God it does not offend him, and is very far from doing so 13 Love urges and love attracts. 14 Let us pray to God, let us beseech him that he may let us know his will. 15 (Let us) submit (our wills) to his that we may desire nothing except through his will. 16 Live tranquilly without anxiety or agitation of heart. 17 Do not fear. Jesus is with you. He is working within you. 18 In darkness, times of tribulation and spiritual anxiety, Jesus is with you.
19 God repeats to you through the prophet …: ‘I am with the troubled soul’ (ps.91) 20 By all means complain to Jesus as you like: Pray to him as you wish, but adhere firmly to his words. 21 The bitterness of love is still sweet and its burden gracious. 22 Do not complain if you are still unable to definitively embrace the Supreme Good. 23 Do not let the difficulties that every holy work encounters, stop you. 24 Retire in order to meditate at least twice a day, preferably in the morning and in the evening. 25 Do not fail to do some spiritual reading every day.
26 Often examine your conscience and don’t be benevolent with yourself. 27 The Apostle (Paul) said that if we judge ourselves, we will not be judged by God. (1 Cor.11:31) 28 May Jesus always look upon you with benevolent eyes … and may he make you holy! 29 Humble yourself always under the hand of the divine craftsman, and let yourself be guided as he pleases. 30 Rely on Jesus for everything and all will work out well. 31 Continue to do good and leave the good outcome to Jesus.

website: www.PPPG.org

July 2009

Prayers to Padre Pio
( for each Day of the Week)

Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, loving father, you bore the visible wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ on your body. You carried the Cross for all humanity. In bearing the physical and moral sufferings that continually tortured your body and soul you became a martyr of love for all people. We beg you to intercede for us with our Almighty Father that we may have the courage to accept the great and small crosses of life that transform individual suffering into a sure link that leads us to eternal life.

Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, holy father, you now live with our loving God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You grew in holiness and resisted the seductions of the Evil One. You were physically beaten by the infernal spirits of evil who sought to force you to leave the road to holiness that you had chosen to follow. Pray for us to God that through your intercession and in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we may find the spiritual courage to renounce sin and be strengthened in faith until death.

Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, virtuous father, you loved Our Blessed Mother very much. You were gifted every day with the graces and comforts that only She can give. We beg you to pray for us to our Heavenly Mother, and to place our sins and petitions in Her hands. As at Cana in Galilee, may She intercede for us that Her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, may hear Her prayers on our behalf, forgive our sinfulness, and inscribe our names in the Book of Life.

Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, chaste father, you taught us to love our Guardian Angel as you loved yours so much. Your Guardian Angel was your constant companion, guide, defender and messenger. The Angels even brought the prayers of your spiritual children to you. Since they are a presence of the Living God who help to avoid the disgrace of sin and are always ready to indicate the road that leads us to goodness and keep us from evil, pray that we too may learn, as you, to appreciate the ministry of our Guardian Angels and speak to them that we may be receptive to their inspiration and learn to obey them at all times.

Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, prudent father, you loved the Souls in Purgatory so much and taught us to love them as well. You offered yourself as a victim to expiate their sufferings in Purgatory. Intercede for us with Our Lord and God Jesus Christ that our hearts may be filled with compassion and love for the Holy Souls. Following your example, we too desire to assist the Holy Souls and to reduce their time of affliction in Purgatory. We ask that our prayers and sacrifices may grant them relief in their sufferings, the holy indulgences necessary to liberate them from their place of torment, and a speedy entrance into the eternal joys of heaven.

Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, obedient father, you loved the sick and infirm more than yourself because in them you saw Jesus. In the name of God you performed miracles of healing in body, soul and mind. Your intercession with God healed the ills of past and present and strengthened people to respond with confidence to future challenges. Those who came to you regained a sense of spiritual integrity as you re-kindled hope in their lives, and encouraged them to renew the spirit in their hearts. Through the intercession of Our Heavenly Mother, may we experience your powerful assistance and be healed in our bodily and spiritual needs, and gratefully give praise and thanks to God for all his blessings.

Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, holy father, you fulfilled the salvific plan of God and offered yourself as a victim to free all people from their bondage to Satan. Pray for us to God. Intercede for all those people who have no faith, that they cooperate with God’s gifts and grow in a strong and sincere faith, and thus be converted to the Lord, through a sincere and heartfelt repentance of their sins. May those whose faith is weak grow strong in their Christian life, and may the faithful children of God continue with greater commitment on the road to salvation.


V - May I never boast of anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
R - Through it the world has been crucified to me and I to the world.

V - You bore the wounds of Christ on your body.
R - That we might learn the value of the Cross.

V - Pray for us St. Pio of Pietrelcina.
R - That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray:
Almighty and eternal God, by a singular grace you allowed your priest, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, to participate in the mystery of the Cross of your Son, and through his ministry, you revealed the marvels of your mercy. Grant that through his intercession we may remain one with Christ in his Passion so as to joyfully attain the glory of the Resurrection. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

website: www.PPPG.org