July 2008

Month of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
We continue the words of Padre Pio to his spiritual daughter Erminia Gargani in the letters of 1918: January 27; February 6, 15, 27; March 23; April 11, 23 1 Have great compassion on all pastors, preachers and directors of souls … pray for them. 2 May Jesus possess you and render you always more worthy of greater heights. 3 May God bless you…so that you persevere in keeping the most precious affection of your heart for him alone. 4 How happy you will be (loving God above all) … because the end of (this life) will be the holy beginning of a beautiful and holy eternity! 5 Try to always guard these two virtues: gentleness towards our neighbor and loving humility towards God.
6 God has taken you by the hand in order to bring you to himself. 7 Try to eradicate all concern for taking first place, because honor is more greatly possessed when one despises it… 8 Do not be surprised at your distractions and spiritual dryness … this derives partly from the senses and partly from the heart. 9 Live tranquilly … You must not be anxious. 10 Never fail to approach the holy Banquet … as nothing will better gather your spirit than its King. 11 Live humbly; be docile and in love with (Jesus the Lord). 12 Do not be upset … just as one falls without realizing it, in the same way, without realizing it, we will arise.
13 Humbly and frankly confess before God … and place it at the sweet mercy of Him who sustains those who fall without malice. 14 May Jesus always be at the center of your heart and render you always more worthy of his favors. 15 Thank God for (His boundless love and gifts) with profound recognition. 16 Resolve to generously correspond to grace, rendering yourself worthy of him. 17 Reflect everyday on (Jesus’) life. 18 From reflection and meditating is born an esteem for (Jesus’) actions, and from esteem springs a desire to imitate (Jesus). 19 Insist on the basis of Christian justice and the foundation of goodness.
20 Consider yourself to be what you truly are. 21 Never be exalted at your virtues, but repeat that everything comes from God, and to him give the honor and the glory. 22 May the grace and consoling spirit always inspire your heart, and transform it totally with his divine charity. 23 Don’t let the assaults of the enemy frighten you, nor should you worry about the future: He who defended you will continue to do so. 24 Calm yourself (and remember that) You are (a chosen one) tried like gold in the furnace. 25 God can reject everything in a creature conceived in sin … but he absolutely cannot reject the sincere desire to love Him. 26 If there were nothing but the desire to love God in a soul, everything is there.
27 God is not present where there is no desire for his love. 28 God will not be possessed totally and perfectly except in the Homeland; not while we are in exile. 29 This present life is given to us in order to acquire the eternal. 30 To live happily while on pilgrimage we must keep before our eyes the hope of arriving at our Homeland where we will stay for an eternity. 31 God calls us to himself… he will extend his paternal hand to us while we are going through rough stretches. (Trust Him).

website: www.PPPG.org

July 2008

Month of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

Prayers to Padre Pio

(for each Day of the Week)
Sunday: Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, loving father, you bore the visible wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ on your body. You carried the Cross for all humanity. In bearing the physical and moral sufferings that continually tortured your body and soul you became a martyr of love for all people. We beg you to intercede for us with our Almighty Father that we may have the courage to accept the great and small crosses of life that transform individual suffering into a sure link that leads us to eternal life.
Monday: Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, holy father, you now live with our loving Father and God Jesus Christ. You grew in holiness and resisted the seductions of the Evil One. You were physically beaten by the infernal spirits of evil who sought to force you to leave the road to holiness that you had chosen to follow. Pray for us to God that through your intercession and in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we may find the spiritual courage to renounce sin and be strengthened in faith until death.
Tuesday: Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, virtuous father, you loved Our Blessed Mother very much. You were gifted every day with the graces and comforts that only She can give. We beg you to pray for us to our Heavenly Mother and place our sins and petitions in Her hands. As at Cana in Galilee, may She intercede for us that Her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, may hear Her prayers on our behalf and inscribe our names in the Book of Life.
Wednesday: Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, chaste father, you taught us to love our Guardian Angel as you loved yours so much. Your Guardian Angel was your constant companion, guide, defender and messenger. The Angels even brought the prayers of your spiritual children to you. Since they are a presence of the Living God who help to avoid the disgrace of sin and are always ready to indicate the road that leads us to goodness and keep us from evil, pray that we too may learn, as you, to appreciate the ministry of our Guardian Angels and speak to them that we may be receptive to their inspiration and learn to obey them at all times.
Thursday: Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, prudent father, you loved the Souls in Purgatory so much and taught us love them as well. You offered yourself as a victim to expiate their sufferings in Purgatory. Intercede for us with Our Lord and God Jesus Christ that our hearts may be filled with compassion and love for the Holy Souls. Following your example, we too desire to assist the Holy Souls and reduce their time of affliction in Purgatory. We ask that our prayers and sacrifices may grant them relief in their sufferings, the holy indulgences necessary to liberate them from their place of torment and a speedy entrance into the eternal joys of heaven.
Friday: Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, obedient father, your loved the sick and infirm more than yourself because in them you saw Jesus. In the name of God you performed miracles of healing in body, soul and mind. Your intercession with God healed the ills of past and present and strengthened people to respond with confidence to future challenges. Those who came to you regained a sense of spiritual integrity as you re-kindled hope in their lives, and encouraged them to renew the spirit in their hearts. Through the intercession of Our Heavenly Mother, may we experience your powerful assistance and be healed in our bodily and spiritual needs, and gratefully give praise and thanks to God for all his blessings.
Saturday: Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, holy father, you fulfilled the salvation plan of God and offered yourself as a victim to free all people from their bondage to Satan. Pray for us to God. Intercede for all those people who have no faith, that they cooperate with God’s gifts and grow in a strong and sincere faith, and thus be converted to the Lord, through a sincere and heartfelt repentance of their sins. May those whose faith is weak grow strong in their Christian life, and may the faithful children of God continue with greater commitment on the road to salvation.

Let us pray: Almighty and eternal God, by a singular grace you allowed your priest, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, to participate in the mystery of the Cross of your Son, and through his ministry, you revealed the marvels of your mercy. Grant that through his intercession we may remain one with Christ in his Passion so as to joyfully attain the glory of the Resurrection. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

website: www.PPPG.org

To the Blessed Trinity

Glory to you, everlasting God, all times and all the ages are yours!
Father eternal, creator of days, giver of Sabbath rest, Lord of our feasts and our seasons! You invite us to keep holy each moment of our life, by trusting in your love and providence. Help me to be your image to others; help me to see your image in others, that I may break the bonds that fetter, forgive the demands that crush, share your gifts of grace and let everything sing your praise: Glory to you! Son eternal, firstborn from the dead, messenger of glad tidings, good news made flesh! You tell us we are to be perfected as our heavenly Father is perfect.
You teach us that we must love God and our neighbor as we love ourselves. You show us eternal love that becomes poor himself, that we can be enriched by that poverty. Your cross is our salvation. Your resurrection is our hope. Glory to you!
Spirit eternal, Spirit holy, wind and fire, breath of God and giver of life!
You stir up in us passion for truth, compassion for others, sorrow for sin, joy in forgiveness: Glory to you!
Glory to you, everlasting God, Father Son and Holy Spirit, all times and all ages are yours!

To Our Lady

Mary, I greet you! Holy Lady, Queen and Mother of God, you are the virgin made Church: chosen by the most holy Father in heaven, consecrated by him as a temple with his beloved Son and Consoler-Spirit; in you was and resides the fullness of grace, the One who is all goodness!
Hail, God’s Palace! Hail, God’s Tabernacle! Hail, God’s House! Hail, God’s Garment! Hail, God’s Handmaid

website: www.PPPG.org