April 2007

Eastertime - Month of the Blessed Sacrament

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thusday Friday Saturday
1 How can a soul who considers Jesus crucified for it, love anything but him? 2 How can we shout like the wicked…”Crucify Him!”. 3 Write, sing, and breathe: Long live Jesus! 4 How strong we will be if we continue to be bound…with the scarlet blood of the Savior. 5 We must humble ourselves greatly, seeing that we are not masters of ourselves… 6 Always keep Jesus present to your gaze. 7 Live peacefully. Draw very close to the Heart of this divine Model (Jesus).
8 Stay united to God, consecrate your affections and work to him… 9 Live in Him (God) and for Him (God) … 10 In the hour of trial don’t tire yourself…in trying to find God. 11 (God) is with you in your groaning and searching, just like a mother who urges her little child… 12 Don’t be afraid; let Jesus treat you as He wishes. 13 (The) good Father…particularly loves (those) who are destined to be conformed to the image of his Son. 14 What do I ask for you? ..Your total resignation to His divine will and the pure and holy love of our Savior.
15 Pray continually. 16 May the love of God be your desire and His glory your expectation. 17 Always live joyfully and courageously. 18 You have not been abandoned, you are not the object of God’s vengeful justice. 19 The Lord is and will always be with you. Live tranquilly. He is with you. 20 Kiss the hand (of God that at times seems) to repel you…Hold on to it tightly as the seal of love. 21 It is useless to contest the will of him who can do everything.
22 Let things take their course. 23 God attracts the soul that is His and which He possesses. 24 Don’t let temptations alarm you. 25 You need do nothing except expand your soul…and invite Him (God) to work always powerfully within you. 26 Let God shake you as He wishes…and all will work for His greater glory and your perfection. 27 All fear is useless; it is truly senseless and a deception, because in this way to play into the enemy’s hands. 28 The Lord watches over your soul.
29 Always pray to divine mercy. 30 Jesus be with you; bless you, increase His grace in your heart, guard you from the enemy and lead you to eternal life. This month’s daily quotes are taken from the letters of Padre Pio to his Spiritual Daughter, Maria Gargani, during the years 1918 and 1919: 1918: July 12, 27; August 12, 27; September 6, 27; November 23; December 13, 30. 1919: January 5, 17; March 5, 9, 20

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Suggestion for praying the month of April
Month of the Redemption

(From April 1st until April 7th (Holy Saturday) included continue to use the Prayers and Stations of the Cross suggested for the month of March. From April 8th (Easter) until the end of the month, recite the Prayers and Litany of the Stations of Joy suggested for the Easter Season. Please, remember that these devotional prayers and practices are only suggestions. How and when you recite them, if you choose to do so, are not requisites of being associates in the Padre Pio Prayer Groups.)

The 14 "Stations of Joy" From Resurrection to Pentecost

(The "Stations of Joy" each commemorate one of the passages in Scripture when the Resurrected Jesus tried tenderly to convince us of His Resurrection, to change our sorrows into joys. A sad Christian is not a convincing Christian… let us try to pray and live these "Stations of Joy" during the glorious Paschal time, from Easter Sunday to Pentecost. The 40 days of Lent are the most devoted ones for a Christian, but the next 40 days of Paschal time, from the Resurrection to the Ascension, should be the most joyful, ending 10 days later with the glory of Pentecost…the Scriptural citations after each Station of Joy are offered for anyone who might desire to use a Station a day as a personal point of meditation)

Litany of the Stations of Easter Joy

X Indicates the refrain to be said after each Station:
  1. Lord, through Your glorious Resurrection, may I live in the gift of Your love, joy and peace, and witness the new life You offer those who believe in You. X [Mt.28, Mk.16, Lk.24/28, Jn.20-21]
  2. Lord, through Your encounter with Mary Magdalene after Your Resurrection, may I hear You speak my name each day in the depths of my heart and respond by proclaiming Your love to others in my life. X [Jn.20, Mt.28, Mk.16]
  1. Lord, through Your encounter with the other Holy Women and instruction to tell the good news to the disciples of Your Resurrection, may I be fearless in proclaiming my Faith in You to everyone. X [Mt.28,8-10; Lk.24, 10-11]
  2. Lord, through Your encounter with Two Disciples from Emmaus who were enlightened on the road and recognized You in the Breaking of the Bread, may I hear Your Word with an open heart and always acknowledge You truly present in the Sacrament of the Altar. May I joyfully acknowledge without hesitation as the two of Emmaus. X [Lk.24: 13-35]
  3. Lord, through the Peace, Pardon, and the Paraclete’s grace You offered as the first gifts of Your Resurrection, may I cooperate with God’s grace and be a source of forgiveness and peace to others. X [Jn.20: 21-23]
  4. Lord, through Your manifestation to the Doubting Thomas, may I come to recognize You in the wounds and scars of those who suffer in any way, and acknowledge You before all people as My Lord, and my God. X [Jn.20: 24-28]
  5. Lord, through Your appearance and concern for the needs of the Apostles who went fishing and Your eating with them as a sign that it was truly You alive, grant that I recognize You in the ordinary moments of life and trust that You assist me in my needs. Let my faith in You be proof enough for me. X [Jn.21,1-14]
  6. Lord, through Your loving encounter with Peter on the Shore and Entrusting to Him the Responsibility to Shepherd Your Flock, may I always be faithful to the Church and those called to Shepherd Your people, that I may never forget that where there is Peter, there is the Church, and where there is the Church, there are You Who guide guard and protect us through our shepherds. X [Jn.21: 15-17]
  1. Lord, through Your loving encounter with Mary Your Mother after Your Glorious Resurrection, may I always foster a deep love and devotion for our Heavenly Mother. May I celebrate her exalted place in the mystery of our salvation, and confide in Her almighty intercession for all God’s children. X [Jn.20, Act.1]
  2. Lord, You commanded Your followers to Go and Preach the Gospel to all Creation. May I be a living Gospel of peace and blessings to all that through my words and actions others may come to know, love and serve You. X [Mt.28: 19-20]
  3. Lord, through the Five “Signs” of a Christian, may I cast out the demons of addiction and inappropriate life; speak the language of love, joy and peace; be fearless before the serpents of hatred, jealousy and unfaithfulness, remain unharmed by the poison of slander, injustice, sickness; be a healing touch for those who find life wearisome and lonely.X [Mk.16: 17-18]
  4. Lord, You Promised to Remain Always With Us. May I trust in Your Presence and find strength and courage in knowing that You are always with me, to guide, guard and protect me. X [Mt.28: 19-20]
  5. Lord, through Your Promise that Your Followers would be Baptized in the Holy Spirit to be witnesses of the Resurrection to all the world, may I be truly wise and always follow the Father’s Will through the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit in my life X [Act.1:4-8; 12-15]
  6. Lord, through the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Early Christian Community gathered in the Upper Room together with Mary, may my heart burn with an inner fire of love and enthusiasm for the Faith, that in the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit, I may fearlessly proclaim that You are Jesus, Son of God, Lord and Savior, in Whose Name we find salvation.X [Act.2]

website: www.PPPG.org

Suggestion for praying the month of April
Month of the Redemption

LORD JESUS, help me to walk with You each day of my life. The sorrow and joy, the pain and healing, the failures and triumphs of my life are small personal deaths and resurrections that lead me closer to You. Give me the faith and trust I need to walk with You in the new life Your Resurrection brings. May I journey with You to Calvary and beyond, that I may share in the fruits of Your Glorious Resurrection. With Padre Pio to accompany me, I patiently and joyfully confide and trust in You, my Lord and Risen Savior, in Whose Name I find salvation and eternal Life. You live forever. Amen. MARY, MOTHER OF OUR REDEEMER and our most Blessed Mother, be with me always. You comforted Jesus on the road to Calvary by your silent and loving presence; you held his lifeless body close to your Immaculate Heart, as you offered the sadness and suffering that only a mother can feel when she sees the suffering of her child; look on me as you looked at Jesus. Hold me close to your mother’s heart in my moments of temptation and sin, that His marred image in my frail nature, may not succumb to temptation and sin. Pray for me that I may be a LIVING IMAGE OF JESUS alive and well in the heart of one who believes and loves Him…Dear Mother, You were a constant support and strength to our Father, Padre Pio throughout his lifelong Calvary, until he came to the promised reward offered all God’s faithful children. Accompany me, that I also may share in the graces and joys of the Resurrection. PADRE PIO OF PIETRELCINA, by a singular grace you were blessed to participate in the mystery of the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through your ministry, God revealed the marvels of His mercy to numberless souls. Pray for me, that like you, and through your loving intercession I may remain with Christ in His Passion so as to joyfully attain with you to the glory of the Resurrection. Intercede for me with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who is God for ever. Amen.

website: www.PPPG.org