January 2007

Divine Infancy of Jesus and the Holy Family of Nazareth

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thusday Friday Saturday
1 May the divine Father always be blessed for the most lovable goodness he shows your soul… 2 Fiat! (Let it be done to be as God wills) 3 We must abandon life and everything we are, leaving at the disposition of divine Providence. 4 We do not live and do not belong to ourselves…but to Him who desired to make us entirely His. 5 Thank the divine Father for His work in your soul. 6 Assaults of the passions are inevitable while we are pilgrims on this earth. (Seek and trust in God’s grace)
7 Self-love never dies before we do. 8 We must be resigned and patient with ourselves. 9 In our patience we will possess our souls … the less it is mixed up with worries and disturbances. 10 Take heart…stay calm. 11 Prostrate yourself with your heart before God. 12 In peace and with a tranquil and serene soul, and with holy indifference, go about your tasks. 13 May the good God always accomplish His holy will in you.
14 May you always be totally His (God’s)! 15 Jesus is always pleased with you when your actions are directed for the glory of God. 16 Obey the Voice of the One who loves your soul. (Adapted reference to God instead of P.Pio) 17 Live in peace and the day will come when the Lord will let you understand. 18 How happy we will be…to find ourselves in our Lord. 19 By His holy love this supreme goodness will keep our hearts safe from the assaults of the world. 20 Amidst the truths of the earth, let us live in heaven (with our hearts and minds).
21 May our hope be always founded on high in Paradise. 22 The grace of God through Jesus Christ will preserve (you) not from fear…combat … but rather from defeat. 23 It is impossible to be in this mortal body without feeling its weight through the movement of our passions. 24 Dedicate a little more time to meditation and good reading…to keep the spirit more recollected and concentrated on Him. 25 Where God is found, we would do well to stay there a while with Him. 26 The Holy Eucharist is a great means through which to aspire to perfection. 27 We must receive (the Eucharist) with the desire and intention of removing all that displeases Him (Jesus).
28 Try to continually overcome yourself in those daily struggles the Lord presents to you. 29 Concentrate on perfecting yourself, and on carrying the crosses. 30 Let us love God crucified amidst the darkness; let us stay close to Him. 31 Pray fervently…May Jesus bless you… Padre Pio’s words for this month are taken from the letters to his Spiritual Daughter, Maria Gargani, during the year 1917: February 12 … March 30 … May 2 … June 18 … July 27 … August 16 … August 24.
(Padre Pio Prayer Groups USA - National Office)

website: www.PPPG.org

Praying the Month of January

Beginning Prayer to Padre Pio
(every day)

Padre Pio, I thank you and praise God in you for making His Name known more profoundly in our hearts. You bore the marks of the savior’s saving Passion and became a refuge and support for all who sought your guidance. Your patient ministry of reconciliation brought numberless souls back to God, so that rescued from the evil one, they could praise and glorify God in their lives. From your place in heaven watch over us and keep your hand on each one of us that we may always walk the path that leads to God, the Source and Goal of all life, who lives and reigns Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.



We thank You Lord with all our heart. Great are Your works. They are to be pondered by all who love You. I thank you and praise you for the gift You have given us in Padre Pio. Lord, Your compassion and love help us to remain faithful to our Baptismal promises, deliver us from evil, and strengthen our love for You. As we journey each day this week with Padre Pio, our Spiritual Father and Guide, help us to praise Your Name in all that we do. As Spiritual Children of Padre Pio may we live each day in prayer, sacrifice and service to all. We praise You and give glory to the You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as in the beginning, now, and forever. Amen.


Almighty ever-living God, I am privileged and blessed to approach you in your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, especially in His Divine Presence in the Eucharist. I thank you for giving me Padre Pio as Spiritual Guide and living image of your Suffering Son. May his prayers keep me always faithful and lead me closer to You, that I may become a sign of the Eucharist I receive to all whom I encounter on life’s journey. Amen.


Eternal Father, I come as one sick to the doctor of life, as one unclean to the fountain of mercy, as one blind to the radiance of eternal light, as one poor and needy to the Lord of heaven and earth. Padre Pio offered many the opportunity of experiencing your healing grace. Grant that I may always seek and work for that spiritual wholeness that comes from You and You alone. Touching you or your garments gave others physical healing; may I who receive Your Body and Blood in the Eucharist be made whole in the spirit for eternal life. Amen.


Lord Jesus, You are King of kings and Lord of lords. With humble reverence, with purity of faith, with repentance and love, and the determination that will help to bring me to salvation I place myself in your presence. Padre Pio urged us to seek You always in all things. Grant that your Servant Pio may be the sure guide that leads me to You and through You to the Father, that the Eucharist may always be for me a pledge of eternal glory. Amen.


Lord Jesus, with reverence, gratitude, and adoration, I recognize your loving presence in my life and its power to transform me. Padre Pio sought that transformation every moment of his life through his intimate relationship with You. Help me to live a life of active prayer that allows me to be in Your presence wherever I am and whatever I do. May the Eucharist transform me that I live not I but You live in me. Amen.


Holy Spirit of the Father and the Son, I acknowledge our Lord Jesus Christ, born from the womb of the Virgin Mary, as my Lord and Savior, and know that in You and through Him I am numbered among the beloved children of the Eternal Father. Padre Pio desired that we live as sisters and brothers, children of the same Father. May I always allow your love to shine through in my life. As the Spirit transforms bread and wine into Your Body and Blood in the Eucharist, may the Eucharist transform me into Your Presence for others. Amen.


Holy Spirit, on my earthly pilgrimage, I receive the precious Body and Blood of my Savior Jesus Christ under the mysterious veil of the Eucharistic Sacrament. Padre Pio celebrated with abandonment to your presence and was transported to the heights of intimacy with God. May the Eucharist I receive and adore as your mysterious and Real Presence among us allow me to see You, my God, face to face in glory. You live and reign for never and ever. Amen.


Concluding Prayer to Our Lady

Holy Virgin Mary,
Mother of God and my Mother.

Daughter of the Eternal Father,
pray that we recognize our unity as children of the One Father.

Mother of the Only-Begotten Son,
pray that we accept each other as sisters and brothers in the same Jesus.

Spouse of the Life-Giving Holy Spirit,
pray that we be open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, leading us to the fullness of life.

Mary, Virgin Made Church,
Mother of the Mystical Body of Christ,
First Tabernacle, First Monstrance,
be with us in life’s journey,
and help us see and follow Jesus.

website: www.PPPG.org